"Arise, go out into the PLAIN and there I shall talk with you." - Ezekiel 3:22

Monday, May 17, 2010

GOD, Women, & Periods?

Twelve-year-old Jane is a Sunday school regular. She loves school & delights in reading, friends, & pretty things. One weekend her youth group decides to host an all girls’ retreat. Jane is delighted & partakes in 2 days of girl-talk, boy-talk, friendship bracelets, bright pajamas, sleeping bags, hot cocoas, ice cream, poolside sermons, and a field trip the picturesque Getty Villa. Upon arriving at the Villa her Pastor surprises the girls, announcing that for a full hour, each girl will have an opportunity to stroll the grounds & view the art with 1 adult leader all to themselves! “If there’s something you’ve always wanted to know in private, this is the time to ask girls!” Her Pastor said.

Jane is ecstatic & wonders which Leader she’ll be assigned to! This was fun because the adult women are mostly in their 20’s & 30’s and always have fun stuff to talk about. Only this time, Jane had one burning question to ask. She hears the Pastor call her name & assigns her to her 8th grade leader! “Yay!” Jane shrieked & they carried on giggling into the botanical gardens. After the cordial salutations were over, Jane turns beet-red, takes a serious tone & says, “I been waiting to ask you something & I’m so glad I can ask you in private.” “Sure, honey! I hope I can answer It.,” her leader says.

“Well, ummm… How does God know how we feel when we’re on our periods?”

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Singleness: Temporary? or Semi-permanent?

Mid-thirties Jane is invited to a girlfriend’s family reunion. One family member, a new Mom was carrying her newborn & she looks at Jane as the wind blows out her dress to make her appear pregnant. Jane catches her suspicion & flattens the front of her dress at the waist to show her non-prego status. Some time passes, lunch is served, & everyone is enjoying friendly conversation. Jane turns to new Mom to ask about her darling newborn, and the following dialogue unfolds:

New mom: “So, are you dating anyone?”
Jane: “No.”
New mom: “Why not?”
Jane: “Waiting for the right one.”
New mom: “Aoh… you’re so pretty… What’s wrong with you?”


Now I realize New mom’s last statement seems insensitive but to be honest, I've had the
very same inner-monologue happen in my own head about an attractive, unmarried woman over 30.

Why do women treat singleness like a temporary state to hurry out of?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


[My heart was touched and I fervently sang to him my desire] “Take for us the foxes, the little foxes that spoil the vineyards [of our love], for our vineyards are in blossom.” – Song of Solomon 2:15, AMP

Thirty-something Jane pulls into a parking space at the Post Office. She prepares her paperwork & packages to ship. A silver Prius pulls up on the right, and Jane glances up from shuffling papers to exchange smiles with a chiseled-chin twenty-something with brown wavy locks. He exits to run into the Post office and Jane resumes her task, making mental note of the tall athletic build on “WAVY Locks Guy.” She praises God for the beauty of Wavy Locks, and the sunny majesty of the day. She’s carried away in the glory of the Lord as she sings along with the tunes in her car. Several minutes go by & Jane is suddenly pulled from heavenly mindedness, as Wavy Locks Guy grabs her attention again in the rear view. Walking back to his car- bashful Jane turns her singing down to a normal volume and notices Wavy Locks Guy pauses, leans on the Prius, & peeks over at her through her open sunroof. Bracing herself- for what could be a valiantly bold approach…the moment passes with a triumphantly sad climax, as Wavy Locks Guy quickly looses interest, gets in his car, & drives off into the sunset! All at once, wrecked with disappointment AND yet relieved, Jane realizes the glory of “JESUS, Messiah” blaring from her speakers & filling the atmosphere of her car and everything within a 10 foot radius.

How can someone as beautiful as Jesus Christ be so repellant to people?

I suppose HE (Jesus) has a way of sorting out the bad apples. Funny how bad apples can have such delicious exteriors. I suppose with that- we can imagine what the first woman might have felt when she fell into the temptation of one seemingly innocent, delicious & yet deceptive- little apple...